Friday, December 01, 2006

Continued Studies - 07/03/2006 (True Power)



David A. Archer




General Philosophy


02/16/2006 ~ 07/19/2006


In further considering the consumer status of most United States inhabitants - immediately I see a benefit of such.

Within that purchased social dynamic, it then becomes impossible to rule as sovereign - much as I have already addressed - even further becomes useless to do so (attempt that is).

In that purchased status atmosphere, a blood line then only becomes important when dealing with old world societies. Even then substitutions (falsifications) are all but useless - regardless of which ever ploy is used to gain such falsifications or even further as has been known to happen, instigate such procurement of identification.

In those instances, it very much is bloodline that matters. Attempting to falsify such is useless - it doesn't count as it were, regardless of what is said or even issued in support of such ploys. Again, such inspirations are only issued in feeding that consumer mentality, and further in use of that rat feeder conditioned response I have addressed before. ~

I happen on such thoughts in considering the interactions of those two dynamics being power/commerce and sovereign/power and the resulting social movements within such interactions. Especially given the want aspect of our consumer mentality - it is easy to consider that direction of want then being effected by and effecting such interactions.

Such facades can be employed in a manner of using those wanting such recognition, but never will they actually be recognized as that blood line element.

It seems it would be easier (since the other simply isn't possible) to admit new blood into a sovereign line/strain, than it would be to procure that status of someone else's as a postured station of ones own.

This could be likened to the aspect within our representative democracy concerning the presidency currently; It is not an option for a first generation immigrant to become a president - but it is very much a possibility for one of a given example first generation immigrant(s) children to become president - provided of course they were born as American citizens. But, as with that aspect of modern representative democracy, such a process seems not to be sufficient in some people's eyes. As if it weren't enough to be able to achieve for their children, the potentially highest office in the country - many find discrepancy with what is otherwise a very sensible law and standard.

When you consider this in comparison, it begins to illustrate that seeming inpatients that our modern social dynamic displays (from that consumer mentality). When you consider such a standard as is the immigrant/president law from a perspective that is not of that consumer mentality, it makes total and entire sense, if only in the basic effort to preserve those things which made (make) such incredible possibilities - possible. If it weren't for that stipulation - it is very probable that a person being of immediate immigrant status, would simply make decisions more rooted in the mind set of where they migrated from, than of that which is the design of this version of representative democracy. In essence, to allow someone that has themselves only just naturalized within their life time the presidency, is risking the very attributes that should be celebrated in being able to provide such an opportunity for their children.

What more display of actual achievement and power is there, than in becoming successful enough to seriously have your children in a position to contend for the presidency of the United States?

While it is possible for an individual to learn all of the rules and even to present them with skill, it is still my opinion that the set rules for the highest office should apply in regard to naturalized citizens.

Of course, in the modern climate and atmosphere, the power aspects allure and in some cases may even over shadow the potentials and benefits of what I believe were some rather wise standards set. Of course I believe that the modern speed of society has some factor in it as well. But such is merely my opinion.

As it stands, in regard to naturalized citizenship - just about every other office in the United States is available - should they win the post - to anyone having United States citizenship.

Seeing the comparison here then becomes rather simple. In the modern atmosphere and within that power/commerce dynamic, there are those that then find themselves wanting the recognition of some sovereign element - when really, from my own perspective in regard to such leanings, the actual goal in such concerns would be in finding myself in a position similar to that of the immigrant/presidency example.

Of course within that example, is the option of simply declaring ones self omnipotent as over lord in some sense - but then that becomes outside of the mechanism in which a person may have made their fortune.

Entire kingdoms have been issued - awarded as it were - through out history.

Such seems much more plausible from my perspective - in the direction of such interests (wants) than does the efforts in procuring (and even manufacturing) such identities. That interaction is another aspect that I will greatly enjoy exploring.

In fact, in considering it - such efforts to procure exhibits an incredible ignorance of what it is those putting forth such efforts claim to want, so to speak. Unless of course that want has something to do with attempts to do away with either extreme in these examples. But in that, within the idea of representative democracy - all anyone need do is change the rules. Doing so of course through the use of the efficiencies within that larger idea - as opposed to chipping away at postured pretense and ulterior motives.

Such seems as a great potential in the motion of those other aspects within that mechanism of said third degree of civilization - known as representative democracy.


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